--------------------------------------------------------------- Channel ID: (('solarsystemid2', 30002201),) Channel Name: Local Listener: Efferil Session started: 2008.05.08 16:27:27 --------------------------------------------------------------- 2008.05.08 16:34:16 ] Zazza Rik > uh oh shuria full of reds..... 2008.05.08 16:34:55 ] Watchi Urbacki > Lol 2008.05.08 16:35:18 ] Jacob William > Goin to loop I think. 2008.05.08 16:36:13 ] Zazza Rik > i mean all those roads... i think they wont go to the loop.... only doing carebearstuff in shuria 2008.05.08 16:37:02 ] Zazza Rik > like lady isabell..... the ubercarebear ^^ 2008.05.08 16:37:23 ] Jacob William > hehe....not red to me. 2008.05.08 16:37:36 ] Efferil > Zazza is a corp thief 2008.05.08 16:37:54 ] Zazza Rik > efferil is a bigmouth 2008.05.08 16:37:59 ] Jacob William > LOL 2008.05.08 16:38:03 ] Zazza Rik > but i will shut him in some days 2008.05.08 16:38:16 ] Ziiee > u kids still talking dirty with each other 2008.05.08 16:38:23 ] Zazza Rik > nar 2008.05.08 16:38:34 ] Zazza Rik > only eff and me 2008.05.08 16:38:50 ] Ziiee > =) 2008.05.08 16:38:57 ] Zazza Rik > he doesnt like me 2008.05.08 16:39:48 ] Ziiee > eff. why dont u like zazza here =P 2008.05.08 16:39:59 ] Ziiee > he seems to be a nice fella 2008.05.08 16:40:09 ] Zazza Rik > 16:37:36] Efferil > Zazza is a corp thief 2008.05.08 16:40:29 ] Ziiee > i think i am gonna change my name to Dr Phil =D 2008.05.08 16:40:34 ] Watchi Urbacki > Lawl 2008.05.08 16:41:02 ] Zazza Rik > yer that sounds nice.... open a psychological clinic in M16 2008.05.08 16:41:12 ] Ziiee > so lets c. he said that ur a corp thief? are u? 2008.05.08 16:41:27 ] Zazza Rik > i am 2008.05.08 16:41:34 ] Ziiee > then wehere is the problem:P 2008.05.08 16:42:15 ] Efferil > Ziiee du får lite isk för hans frysna lik förresten ;P 2008.05.08 16:42:18 ] Zazza Rik > ut who cares? i am now KoS in the loop i dont care either..... 2008.05.08 16:42:25 ] Ziiee > he aknowledged ur work. basicly u got to him;) in borrats words. GREAT SUCCES 2008.05.08 16:42:52 ] Ziiee > hahaha:P en svensk 2008.05.08 16:42:57 ] Ziiee > fint =D 2008.05.08 16:43:22 ] Zazza Rik > hey and i am still one of the good bad guys oO 2008.05.08 16:43:33 ] Efferil > good bad? 2008.05.08 16:43:39 ] Efferil > either you're good or you're bad 2008.05.08 16:44:00 ] Efferil > of course that's in the eye of the beholder ;P 2008.05.08 16:44:27 ] Efferil > Ziiee men som sagt, om du skulle råka på honom i nåt low-sec så får du lite pengar för hans frysna lik :P 2008.05.08 16:44:41 ] Lewis Hamilton > black betys child went wild ? 2008.05.08 16:44:43 ] Ziiee > de ska vi se till att fixa =) 2008.05.08 16:44:54 ] Zazza Rik > DAMN THING GONE WILD BAM A LAM 2008.05.08 16:44:56 ] Ziiee > usch. tjuvar är inge roliga 2008.05.08 16:44:59 ] Efferil > Nä 2008.05.08 16:45:04 ] Efferil > avskum ;P 2008.05.08 16:45:14 ] Ziiee > okey zazza i have the solution 2008.05.08 16:45:20 ] Zazza Rik > yes? 2008.05.08 16:45:22 ] Ziiee > after deep thought 2008.05.08 16:47:07 ] Ziiee > i think u should appoligize and return the stuff =P my son u are on ur way to the dark side of the force. soon it will fill u with hate and nobody will take u in. there is still hope for u 2008.05.08 16:47:16 ] Zazza Rik > to late the stuff is gone 2008.05.08 16:47:17 ] Ziiee > hay wait. thats star wars:P 2008.05.08 16:47:42 ] Ziiee > then the only noble thing u can do is send them the isk =) 2008.05.08 16:47:52 ] Zazza Rik > no way 2008.05.08 16:48:01 ] Ziiee > how much is it 2008.05.08 16:48:15 ] Zazza Rik > i dont have the most ^^ tappits has much more than me 2008.05.08 16:48:40 ] Ziiee > well it is ur sould we are concerned about =P 2008.05.08 16:48:44 ] Ziiee > soul 2008.05.08 16:49:22 ] Zazza Rik > hehehe maybe i just buy a new PVP char with the money... and whene everybody forgot about this char i return 2008.05.08 16:49:41 ] Zazza Rik > nar..... 2008.05.08 16:49:56 ] Ziiee > u can change ur apperance, ur name. but u can never change ur soul. 2008.05.08 16:50:00 ] Zazza Rik > anyway the war starts friday night. prepare yourself well cause we are allready 2008.05.08 16:50:12 ] Ziiee > man seriously. i should open a clinic here in shuria:P 2008.05.08 16:50:25 ] Ziiee > u guys starting a war? 2008.05.08 16:50:30 ] Zazza Rik > as you are red to the most of here i dont think anybody is going to listen to you m8 2008.05.08 16:50:57 ] Zazza Rik > sure we start a war. i still want efferils frozen corps 2008.05.08 16:51:16 ] Efferil > So you're still planning on doing it with Mutlifighters? 2008.05.08 16:51:25 ] Zazza Rik > maybe... maybe not..... 2008.05.08 16:51:28 ] Ziiee > i might be red. but there is a reason for that. my word is known all over the universe ;) 2008.05.08 16:51:35 ] Watchi Urbacki > Haha 2008.05.08 16:51:44 ] Zazza Rik > rofl ziiee.... i like you guys ^^ 2008.05.08 16:51:46 ] Ziiee > =P okey enough of the fun:P hahaha have fun guys 2008.05.08 16:51:49 ] Lady Isabell > Ziiee, yet you didnt have the guts to go to Milal earlier :P 2008.05.08 16:51:50 ] Ziiee > =) 2008.05.08 16:52:00 ] Ziiee > hjey man:P i had a ratting ship 2008.05.08 16:52:19 ] Ziiee > i know my limits =) 2008.05.08 16:52:21 ] Lady Isabell > so? :D 2008.05.08 16:52:34 ] Ziiee > so.. that means i am not stupid m8 2008.05.08 16:52:53 ] Lady Isabell > hahaa 2008.05.08 16:53:20 ] Ziiee > anyways. good luck with ur war =) may the strongest side win 2008.05.08 16:54:10 ] Zazza Rik > ^^ 2008.05.08 17:19:05 ] Lady Isabell > o/ 2008.05.08 17:38:55 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Bashakru Local Channel 2008.05.08 17:41:14 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Mikhir Local Channel 2008.05.08 17:43:57 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Akhragan Local Channel 2008.05.08 17:46:29 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Kehour Local Channel 2008.05.08 17:49:42 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Ashab Local Channel 2008.05.08 17:52:24 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Amarr Local Channel 2008.05.08 17:52:54 ] Billy Sastard > WTS rigged damnation Multiple Items] 2008.05.08 17:59:44 ] Lord Regulus > Hey khazid! 2008.05.08 17:59:51 ] Lord Regulus > I wanna fight your Punisher! 2008.05.08 18:00:33 ] Navtiqes > VELDZPAR 2008.05.08 18:00:43 ] khazid > hehe none fitted atm, gimme a few min for dinner, maybe i fit one after that ^^ 2008.05.08 18:00:54 ] Lord Regulus > No worries, dude. 2008.05.08 18:00:57 ] Fincea > Draclira's Modified Large Armor Repairer 2008.05.08 18:01:22 ] Lord Regulus > I'll be logging in a bit anyway. But you know where to find me! 2008.05.08 18:01:37 ] Sh'adow > <3 my Crusader 2008.05.08 18:03:45 ] Stiffsocks 2 > Gone back to Amarr and that dude's still waiting for me - just chased me into the dock!!! 2008.05.08 18:06:21 ] Seliah > Ah, i keep trying but i have the feeling i will never catch you, Laerise. 2008.05.08 18:07:08 ] Joe > wts, Paladin Blueprint 90mil, me:-1, 1run. best material research possible, equals lowest build cost for you. 2008.05.08 18:08:08 ] Akira2501 > nice 2008.05.08 18:09:11 ] Fincea > Draclira's Modified Large Armor Repairer 2008.05.08 18:10:56 ] Seliah > Nice try, Laerise. 2008.05.08 18:20:05 ] Joe > wts, Paladin Blueprint 90mil, me:-1, 1run. best material research possible, equals lowest build cost for you. 2008.05.08 18:20:40 ] Lokarios > Go Selia 2008.05.08 18:20:55 ] ivana rocku > WTS pheonix in northern empire 2008.05.08 18:22:19 ] Seliah > Again, Laerise ? 2008.05.08 18:26:10 ] Les Thul > Today is one of the most favourite holydays in Russia. The Victory day. In may, 9 1945 the world war II was finifed. Congradulations 2008.05.08 18:26:24 ] Forty Three > you're lucky it's not tomorrow, soratah 2008.05.08 18:26:33 ] Soratah > hmm? 2008.05.08 18:26:41 ] Forty Three > /emote cracks his knuckles 2008.05.08 18:27:29 ] Kin Rha > We love finified wars. 2008.05.08 18:28:03 ] Soratah > oh yeah UK declared war.. completely forgot 2008.05.08 18:28:35 ] Sh'adow > fack, can someone lend me 50,000 isk? 2008.05.08 18:29:00 ] Sh'adow > thank you 2008.05.08 18:29:03 ] Sh'adow > was a tad short 2008.05.08 18:29:06 ] DunMage > Sh'adow > fack, can someone lend me 50,000 isk? BEGGER 2008.05.08 18:29:12 ] Sh'adow > :P 2008.05.08 18:29:16 ] DunMage > earn your bread ! 2008.05.08 18:29:18 ] Forty Three > it's spelled beggar 2008.05.08 18:29:20 ] Lord Meriak > go kill 1 rat 2008.05.08 18:29:28 ] Forty Three > no rats in 1,0 2008.05.08 18:29:35 ] DunMage > everybody joinin and flame the begger! 2008.05.08 18:29:36 ] DunMage > :D 2008.05.08 18:29:39 ] DunMage > j/k 2008.05.08 18:29:44 ] Sh'adow > im going to when i get back to my headquarters, for some reason ALL the market goods seeme to be located here... 2008.05.08 18:29:57 ] Windorian > selling occult ship interface, true sansha large EMP smartbomb, True sansha heat sink, 9 different invention decryptors 2008.05.08 18:29:58 ] DunMage > market goods excuse is it :p 2008.05.08 18:30:07 ] DunMage > o/ leaving system 2008.05.08 18:30:30 ] Windorian > selling occult ship interface, true sansha large EMP smartbomb, True sansha heat sink, 9 different invention decryptors 2008.05.08 18:31:06 ] Sh'adow > GAH hate it when i undocke in a freighter 2008.05.08 18:31:37 ] Joe > wts Paladin Blueprint 90mil, me:-1, 1run. best material research possible, equals lowest build cost for you. 2008.05.08 18:38:20 ] Ayserin > haha Efferil, whats up? 2008.05.08 18:38:52 ] Killer Bonze > Domination Armor Explosive Hardener WTA 2008.05.08 18:39:02 ] kyle wolf > 07 2008.05.08 18:39:12 ] Ayserin > o/ Kyle 2008.05.08 18:39:17 ] Windorian > War Strategon , True Sansha Heat Sink , both for sale 2008.05.08 18:40:06 ] HoiYou > Maelstrom Blueprint BPO lower than npc market price 2008.05.08 18:40:59 ] Soirseta > how much for war stra 2008.05.08 18:41:27 ] Windorian > 20mil, cheaper than anywhere else 2008.05.08 18:41:41 ] Soirseta > hummm 2008.05.08 18:42:07 ] Sol Hunter > it is 23 mil right here 4 sale 2008.05.08 18:42:13 ] Sol Hunter > so u offer it for 3 mil? 2008.05.08 18:42:18 ] Ayserin > wut? 2008.05.08 18:42:28 ] Sol Hunter > Windorian > 20mil, cheaper than anywhere else 2008.05.08 18:42:56 ] Windorian > yes, the price is 20mil, cheaper than the price of anywhere else, not: 20mil cheaper than anywhere else 2008.05.08 18:43:06 ] Ayserin > ok, so what is the price? 2008.05.08 18:43:12 ] Windorian > 20mil 2008.05.08 18:43:33 ] Sol Hunter > got it finally 2008.05.08 18:43:34 ] Sol Hunter > thx 2008.05.08 18:43:47 ] Windorian > any takers? 2008.05.08 18:44:23 ] Soirseta > think Ill pass for now thanks though 2008.05.08 18:44:37 ] Ayserin > Ill buy, 20 mill now 2008.05.08 18:44:44 ] Ayserin > message me 2008.05.08 18:45:00 ] Sol Hunter > Ayserin do u need amarr decryptors? 2008.05.08 18:45:21 ] Sol Hunter > or just this one WS 2008.05.08 18:47:46 ] Forty Three > Ehrine Ashbark smells 2008.05.08 18:52:58 ] ivana rocku > WTS pheonix in northern empire 2008.05.08 18:56:51 ] Daniela duesentrieb > ohlala, my main was there :) 2008.05.08 18:56:57 ] Daniela duesentrieb > was... 2008.05.08 18:56:57 ] Laerise > Another peasent punished. 2008.05.08 18:57:17 ] Navtiqes > VELDZPAR 2008.05.08 18:57:42 ] Navtiqes > nice ship name btw :) 2008.05.08 18:58:06 ] Laerise > Who wants a Paddington? Sadly it is no longer alive though.. 2008.05.08 18:58:17 ] Kaylee Starshimmer > o7 bnogo 2008.05.08 18:58:26 ] bnogo > gf 2008.05.08 18:58:38 ] welwyn > having fun in kestrel mate? 2008.05.08 18:58:44 ] Sin Cleaner > maan i missed it :( 2008.05.08 18:58:49 ] Forty Three > that's rather ironic of you to say laerise 2008.05.08 18:58:50 ] Sin Cleaner > hehe 2008.05.08 18:58:57 ] Celgone Rahl > in case you were wondering... lots of us in Amarr =P 2008.05.08 18:59:03 ] Sheila Love > gf bnogo 2008.05.08 18:59:05 ] Forty Three > after having doomed 2 crewfulls of arbitrators to certain death because of your pride 2008.05.08 18:59:09 ] bnogo > yeah i know 2008.05.08 18:59:17 ] bnogo > it lasted 6 months, so its fine 2008.05.08 18:59:23 ] Celgone Rahl > hehe 2008.05.08 18:59:25 ] Kaylee Starshimmer > props to you for coming here though 2008.05.08 19:00:21 ] Pew Pewk > Revelation Multiple Items] 2008.05.08 19:04:01 ] REALITY X > Chelm's Modified Large EMP Smartbomb wts 2008.05.08 19:04:06 ] REALITY X > Chelm's Modified Cap Recharger wts 2008.05.08 19:06:53 ] Laerise > It is called escape pods heathen I know you do not have those, but amarrian ships do. 2008.05.08 19:08:20 ] Navtiqes > open the exit hatch and flap your wings. pods are for people that plan to tank 2008.05.08 19:08:44 ] Malleus Andropov > are the heathens here to embrace the imperial truth? 2008.05.08 19:09:02 ] Lazlo Canaletto > We're here to re-make the imperial truth. 2008.05.08 19:09:05 ] LIGHT RIVAL > OH BILLLLLYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2008.05.08 19:09:30 ] Neebala > reality x: how much 4 the cap recharger? 2008.05.08 19:10:14 ] Malleus Andropov > It's fantastic to hear that you wan't to reunite the republic with the empire Lazlo, i've always known you youngsters would see the light sooner or later 2008.05.08 19:10:47 ] Lazlo Canaletto > I'll see the light of your ships exploding. 2008.05.08 19:10:59 ] Lazlo Canaletto > That's enough enlightement for me. 2008.05.08 19:11:15 ] Kademlia > pretty little beacon :P 2008.05.08 19:12:09 ] Neebala > nvmnd 2008.05.08 19:12:26 ] Alena Lemming > Phail 4tL !!! :) 2008.05.08 19:12:28 ] Malleus Andropov > the light of the golden fleet can illuminate your dark heart my friend... let the emperor guide you 2008.05.08 19:12:50 ] Rognavald > theres an emperor? 2008.05.08 19:13:02 ] Chribba > smartbombs... maybe I should get in range and activate concord? ;) 2008.05.08 19:13:14 ] Lazlo Canaletto > I'll rather have freedom guide me... not one that enslaves it. 2008.05.08 19:13:27 ] Chribba > sorry wrong window 2008.05.08 19:14:04 ] Toman Torax > haha Chrib 2008.05.08 19:14:11 ] Toman Torax > DO IT 2008.05.08 19:14:12 ] Malleus Andropov > the caldari are enslaved by money, the gallente are enslaved by decadence, and the minmanttar are enslaved by ignorance. Only the amarr are free 2008.05.08 19:14:31 ] Lord Regulus > Decadence! WOO! 2008.05.08 19:14:41 ] Major Death > Go ISK 2008.05.08 19:14:59 ] Shaddamn IV > the amarr are ruled by false gods 2008.05.08 19:15:01 ] Lord Regulus > Quafes all 'round then, lads! 2008.05.08 19:15:10 ] Lazlo Canaletto > Free for now, dead tomorrow. 2008.05.08 19:15:16 ] Malleus Andropov > quafe is good :) 2008.05.08 19:15:17 ] Alena Lemming > phail 4tw :) nice work guys :) 2008.05.08 19:15:18 ] Lord Regulus > I'll show you decadence! 2008.05.08 19:15:30 ] Lord Regulus > /emote flies drunk. 2008.05.08 19:16:51 ] Lazlo Canaletto > Quafe is your god? 2008.05.08 19:17:12 ] Malleus Andropov > that is blasphemy 2008.05.08 19:17:23 ] Lazlo Canaletto > Oh, I thought it was. 2008.05.08 19:17:27 ] Lord Regulus > Well, I've yet to find a miracle it couldn't perform! *hic* 2008.05.08 19:17:56 ] Adrianis > blasphemy? you going to come show us the truth then? 2008.05.08 19:18:03 ] Lord Regulus > Cleanses the spirit, you see. 2008.05.08 19:18:05 ] Lord Regulus > Wait. 2008.05.08 19:18:14 ] Lord Regulus > Quafe is a soft drink. 2008.05.08 19:18:32 ] Lord Regulus > Alright, who's been spiking my Quafe, dammit?! 2008.05.08 19:18:40 ] Hornet CII > ME!!!! 2008.05.08 19:18:41 ] Shaddamn IV > there truth lies withing opulant efeminate palaces and in the lies of their gods 2008.05.08 19:19:06 ] Major Death > Toilet Paper : Going cheap! 2008.05.08 19:19:07 ] Lord Regulus > And their poor spelling... :P 2008.05.08 19:19:14 ] Shaddamn IV > yes and that 2008.05.08 19:19:33 ] Lord Regulus > Nice name, Shaddamn. Like the pun. :) 2008.05.08 19:20:10 ] Shaddamn IV > pun? 2008.05.08 19:20:27 ] Shaddamn IV > wat pun? 2008.05.08 19:20:34 ] Lord Regulus > The 'n' turns it into 'damn.' 2008.05.08 19:20:38 ] Shaddamn IV > lol ok 2008.05.08 19:20:51 ] Lord Regulus > blasphemy + Frank Herbert = WIN. 2008.05.08 19:22:28 ] operated > nez=-p 2008.05.08 19:22:28 ] Siegmund Neumann > Succubus 60M 2008.05.08 19:22:44 ] Caelum Dominus > Dark Blood Medium Nosferatu (Item Exchange) 2008.05.08 19:23:19 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Ashab Local Channel 2008.05.08 19:25:29 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Kehour Local Channel 2008.05.08 19:28:08 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Akhragan Local Channel 2008.05.08 19:30:51 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Mikhir Local Channel 2008.05.08 19:33:16 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Bashakru Local Channel 2008.05.08 19:35:30 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Shuria Local Channel 2008.05.08 19:48:06 ] Ilyr > yep 2008.05.08 20:25:55 ] Daria Tarjan > Here we go! Hello RedVets! 2008.05.08 20:41:18 ] Fel Duran > lol.... sniffing my arse? 2008.05.08 20:41:30 ] HHKhong > ? 2008.05.08 20:41:58 ] Fel Duran > you , steal from wreck and then bumping me... like i'm gonna freak and attack you 2008.05.08 20:42:17 ] HHKhong > ? its not like u are going to use the stuff anyway 2008.05.08 20:42:39 ] Fel Duran > no, but that fact your trying to provoke me into a nubcake response is quite funny 2008.05.08 20:43:49 ] Fel Duran > why personal convo? whats wrong with local? 2008.05.08 20:44:05 ] HHKhong > it clutters things 2008.05.08 20:44:21 ] HHKhong > plus dont want to sound like a complete noob 2008.05.08 20:44:30 ] HHKhong > but, how can u attack me in high sec? 2008.05.08 20:44:48 ] HHKhong > ur ass would get concorded form here all the way to jita 2008.05.08 20:44:48 ] Fel Duran > because you steal stuff that doesn't belong to you 2008.05.08 20:44:59 ] Fel Duran > it flags you as a criminal 2008.05.08 20:45:13 ] Fel Duran > anyone from my corp can attack you now